The challenge is officially live! If you go to the video hub, you'll see a playlist titled "April Challenge" where we will be posting the playlists and all the exercises. I'll be linking out a few more exercises after tomorrow, I'm hoping on the ice to film. Hope you all feel connected and motivated by this challenge and as always, LMK if you need help!

This has been SO good! I skated every weekday for 2 weeks while visiting my brother, and while my body was not quite ready for that, I feel so revived and fulfilled! A big part of it for me was having a session plan laid out for me that I could focus on and enjoy being on the ice. So many times in past, I've tried to go on to sessions, and wind up just hanging by the boards most of the time because a) not sure what to work on and b) don't want to get in other skaters' way. I've tried taking lessons, and it's great while I'm with the coach, but then they let me loose and I drift back to the boards. This is a perfect mix of practicing skills with a solid workout, and I'm just so grateful ❤️ now going to catch up on the off ice workouts!! the last two weeks have reminded me that I need to work on lower back core strength...